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Dear friend,
My concept of beauty is expanding. We don’t list beauty as one of the aspects of God, but surely it is one of Her greatest expressions. Beauty can be experienced through all of the aspects of God.
People sharing together peacefully is beautiful.
Acceptance of others who are different from ourselves is very beautiful.
Gracious acceptance of others’ mistakes is beautiful.
Giving and caring for others when it isn’t easy is so beautiful.
Seeing joy in another’s face is extraordinarily beautiful.
Sun and rain are beautiful. Being alone in peace and calmness is beautiful.
God’s presence is beautiful. Before you, and beside you. All around you. And within you.
That’s an experience worth having. That’s a path worth following.
Join Nayaswami Diksha for this one of a kind course exploring the art of Spiritual Counseling. Spiritual counseling is different from psychological counseling. It’s about counseling others from a space of uplifted consciousness in order to help them find deep, personal understanding and direction.