Therapeutic Use of Asanas

5-day weekend

Not Available at this time.

Gain the foundational knowledge you need to make safe, therapeutic use of yoga asanas. You’ll begin by exploring the bio-mechanics of the body in many different types of yoga postures, and learn how to work with traditional yoga asanas to reap their therapeutic benefits. You will also learn how to make more effective use of affirmations combined with asanas for long-lasting therapeutic effects on the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual levels.

You’ll explore the energy of tension and release, as well as how to properly align the body to get the greatest benefits from each of the asanas. Gain an understanding of proportion, body mass, and other structural differences between people, so that you can adjust the asanas to work for any individual.

This foundational course will dramatically and safely deepen your yoga practice and help you do the same for your students. AYTT graduates will earn credits toward Level 2 certification.

Instructor Nicole DeAvilla has taught Ananda Yoga® for over 20 years, and has a background in sports medicine and chiropractic physiotherapy.

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14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, California 95959
Toll free 800-346-5350
Outside US 530-478-7518

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