Ananda Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga

5 Tips for Improving Posture during Pregnancy

Posture awareness practiced regularly during pregnancy can help reduce many physical discomforts. The female body, in a very short time frame, will undergo drastic changes in every bodily system. Our bodies have the incredible capability of adapting to these changes while continuing to run efficiently. While no two pregnancies are identical, most women’s bodies will respond to these changes at … Read More

International Day of Yoga

Celebrate International Day of Yoga with a Full Ananda Yoga® Routine The higher purpose of Ananda Yoga® is to uplift our consciousness, bringing this practice back to its original spiritual essence.  On this special day we want to share a full Ananda Yoga® session. You will learn to: control the energy in your body with energization exercises control your breath … Read More


The Essence of the Yoga Sutras

Patanjali, the great ancient exponent of yoga, described the stages of spiritual development for all seekers. These principles of yoga are based not on dogma, but on how we are made.

Awaken to Superconsciousness

Awaken to Superconsciousness

Hardcover: A fresh, revolutionary approach to finding inner peace and expansive joy. Learn how to purposely enter states of raised consciousness and enlightenment.

Spiritual Yoga

Spiritual Yoga

Higher Awareness Through Ananda Yoga: A right balance between science and art, and between self-effort and grace, along with a living relationship with Spirit

A Handbook on Discipleship

A Handbook on Discipleship

This step in the Ananda Course prepares the student for initiation into Kriya Yoga, the highest technique of the path of Self-realization.

Yoga for Emotional Health

Yoga for Emotional Health

Whatever your age or level of fitness, Yoga for Emotional Health can help you break through the emotional blocks that prevent you from living a happy, healthy life.

Complete Crystal Clarity Audio Collection

Complete Crystal Clarity Audio Collection

Crystal Clarity’s Complete Audio Catalog offers you over $700 of products for just $195 ($156 if you purchase online), a savings of over 70% off the retail price.

Yoga to Awaken the Chakras

Yoga to Awaken the Chakras

Have you ever wondered exactly what “chakras” are or how best to work with them? Then Yoga to Awaken the Chakras is for you! This video, meant for people of all ages and levels of fitness, will quickly and gently introduce you to these life-changing practices.